
Avete la possibilitŕ di aiutare il P.N. Buila-Vânturari?a: scegliendo di donare il 2% dell'imposta sul vostro reddito annuale, che andrebbe versato alle casse dello stato, all'ASSOCIAZIONE KOGAYON, partner nell'amministrazione del Parco, in conformitŕ alla Legge 571/2003*:


C.I.F. : 16132059

IBAN : RO51 RNCB 0265 0061 3421 0001


Str. Pietei nr. 7, Orasul Horezu, Jud. Valcea

Tel.: 0250/860.157
Fax: 0250/860.157

Geodiversity of Buila-Vanturarita National Park


The Buila-Vanturarita National Park, the 12th national park in Romania and the 2nd in the Valcea district, was created by the Government Decision 2151/2004, as a result of a Kogayon Association project.

The protected area was assigned by the Romanian Academy – The Comission for Protection of the Natural Monuments - and by the Ministry of Environment and Water Management – the Direction for Biodiversity and Biosecurity – in the 2nd category of IUCN, whish states for “national park”; this assignment came as a conclusion after analyzing the “Scientific Basis Study of the Buila-Vanturarita National Park” provided by the Kogayon Association. Although it is the smallest national park in Romania on 4186 ha, Buila-Vanturarita, gathers very valuable elements that lead to its status of national park: lineary ridges of Jurassic calcareous stones with karst relief (exokarst and endokarst), valuable components of the flora and fauna, that are all part of the geodiversity notion. The pluridisciplinary research studies realized by the Kogayon Association during the development of the project for the creation of the national park and afterwards, have contributed to the deep knowledge of the geodiversity in the area.

Pagina realizzata dall’Associazione Kogayon, in un progetto finanziato
dall’Amministrazione del Fondo per l’Ambiente e cofinanziato dal Corpo Forestale dello Stato Romsilva

Pagina tradotta da Daniela Sargu e rivista da Antonio Saccone.