There are various habitats in Buila-VĂ¢nturariÅ£a National Park, 17 of which have a correspondent at European level and some of that are priority habitats:
Small shrubs alpine and boreal.
Shrubs with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron myrtifolium (priority habitat).
Stone communities specific for limestones or basic meadows of Alysso-Sedion albi (prioritary habitat).
Limestone meadows, alpine and sub alpine.
Mountain meadows of Nardus rich in species, on silica sub layers (priority habitat).
Monilinia meadows on calcareous soils, carbonated or clay soils (Monilinion caerulae);
Forest skirt communities with high higrophyle herbs from plain to mountain and alpine level.
Alluvial meadows of Cnidion dubii;
Low altitude meadows (Alopecurus pratensis, Sangiusorba officinalis);
Mountain hayfields.
Detrital sediments of limestones and limestone schists from the mountain to the alpine level (Thlaspietea rotundifolii);
The rocky slopes with chasm vegetation on silica stones.
Caves closed to public access.
Beech forests Luzulo-Fagetum;
Beech forests Asperulo-Fagetum;
Dacic Beech forest (Symphyto-Fagion);
Acidophyle forests of Picea abies in the mountain area (Vaccinio-Piceetea).
According to the Romanian Habitats Handbook, in the Buila-VĂ¢nturariÅ£a National Park there are over 23 kinds of habitats.