The English version of the Buila-Vanturarita National Park web page - September 2007



Pietei 7, Horezu Town, Valcea County

Tel.: 0250/860.157
Fax: 0250/860.180

Legends of the names of the localities

It is said that here lived a rich shepherd who owned the hills down Buila Peak. He had four sons: Costea, Bărbat, Dobre and Bodea, and he divided his land between them. So they founded the villages: Costeşti on Costeşti Valley, Bărbăteşti and Bodeşti on the Otăsău Valley and Dobriceni on the Dobriceni Valley.

Legend of the Arnota Monastery

It is said that before becoming a voyvod of Wallachia, Matthew Basarab escaped a horde of Turkish invaders by exchanging clothes with one of his soldiers called “arnăut” in Romanian, thus the name of Arnota (the mountain and the monastery), and by hiding in a swamp – on that place he later built a monastery after he was crowned, where he was also buried, together with his father.

Legend of Pahomie Hermitage and of Sava The Outlaw

Pahomie is the monk name of the great voyvod of Oltenia Prince Barbu Craiovescu, the founder of Bistriţa Monastery. In 1519-1520, he also builds Pahomie Hermitage, to the memory of the fact that at the Beautiful Spring, in the solitude of Buila Massif, while looking for the way through the woods for Sibiu, to get away from Mihnea the Bad, he and his men find salvation. One of his friends and companions was capitain Sava, later known as Sava the Outlaw because, during their stay, he often went down in the surrounding area to get food.

Legend of the Pătrunsa Hermitage

The hermitage is dedicated to the „Devout Saint Paraschiva”, from Bishop Climent’s mother. It was built in 1740 by Bishop Climent of Râmnic, to the memory of the fact that he was born there by his mother Paraschiva Modoran from Lower Pietrari, who fled to the mountains because of a Turkish invasion and found shelter down Buila Mountain, where she went into labor (“pătrunsă de durerile facerii” in Romanian), in the place known, nowadays, as Pătrunsa.

Page made by Kogayon Association from
Environmental Administration Found project

Page translated by Daniela Sargu & Alan Kerslake