The English version of the Buila-Vanturarita National Park web page - September 2007



Pietei 7, Horezu Town, Valcea County

Tel.: 0250/860.157
Fax: 0250/860.180

The chapter “Tourism, visiting regulations” from the Regulations of the Buila-Vânturariţa National Park:

Art. 34. In the Buila-Vânturariţa National Park, tourist and educational activities are allowed, conditioned by complying with the rules of visiting the park, according to the present regulation.

Art. 35. The access points in BVNP are through the villages of Costeşti (Bistriţa şi Pietreni), Bărbăteşti, Cheia and the city of Băile Olăneşti.

Art. 36. (1) The access/visit of BVNP is allowed with a visiting ticket.
(2) Fees and visiting taxes are to be established by the Administration of BVNP, with the approval of the Scientific Council and of the National Authority for protected areas and they are required for payment in the points of accessand control: Bistriţa, Pietreni, Bărbăteşti, Cheia and Băile Olăneşti, or on the territory of the park by the administration staff, by persons authorized by the BVNP administration, based on an identity card released by BVNP administration.
(3) Visiting taxes are not required for:
a. children under 7,
b. volunteers that can prove by a written document or by contract signed by the administration of BVNP that they are involved in a useful activity for the park,
c. the staff surveying the animals for which there are meadows contracted in the BVNP,
d. administration staff of BVNP and Scientific Council members,
e. the staff of the forestry wards on the territory of the Park or in the Forestry Direction in the Valcea county,
f. members of Mountain Rescue services active in the BVNP,
g. persons authorized to implement the regulations of the Park, based on an identity card,
h. the staff of other unities/departments, delegated in the Park for work related matters,
i. locals holding properties in the BVNP and who can prove with an identity card their residency in one of the villages that own meadows in the BVNP,
j. monks and nuns from the monasteries or hermitages in the BVNP,
l. tourist guides hired by BVNP,
m. handicaped persons, for whom legislation in force states exemption from certain taxes.
(4) 50% tax-free for the following:
a. children from age 7 to 14,
b. pupils and students that can prove that by legal documents carrying a visa on the year in course,
c. pensioners, proving this quality,
d. organized groups, larger than 10 persons.

Art. 37. (1) Visiting BVNP is allowed only on tourist trails marked with conventional signs (painted marks, consisting in a line, triangle, cross or point painted in blue, red or yellow, and in a white frame) and on the alpine trails marked and pegged and set as accessible in the list annually authorised by the specalised authority, that will ask for approval from BVNP administration.
(2) Deviation from the trails mentioned in Art. 1 is allowed only for:
a. patrols of the administrative staff of BVNP, members of the Scientific Council or other authorised persons, in work related matters,
b. members of Mountain Rescue public services in rescue, patrol or training actions,
c. forestry staff performing their working duties,
d. the staff surveying the animals grazing on the park’s meadows,
e. researchers conducting studies approved in writing by the administration of BVNP,
f. volunteers contracted by the administration of BVNP, by written approval,
g. participants in competitions, actions, organised camps in case the deviation was solicited and justified in the program of that action and it was approved by the ABVNP,
h. alpinists with complying outfit to enter from the marked tourist trail on the climbing trail and for the exit from the climbing trails.
i. speleologists in outfits for access in the caves, with written approval of the ABVNP.

Art. 38. Maintenance of the tourist trails, rearranging tourist trails and climbing routes and placing indications and information panels are made only on approval from ABVNP and, regarding new trails, after their homologation according to in force legislation.

Art. 39. Organisation of trips or competitions of any kind in BVNP is to be done only with the approval of ABVNP and the Mountain Rescue Public Service.

Art. 40. Camping on BVNP will comply under the following rules:
a. Camping is allowed only in the spaces especially prepared and marked for this purpose in the areas: upper Bistriţa Gorges, Scărişoara Glade, Pătrunsa Glade, Pahomie Glade, Cheia Cabin, Stogşoare-tunnel, Curmătura Builei, Curmătura Comarnice, Forestry Cabin Prislop,
b. Digging ditches around the tents or using any kind of vegetal material (branches, moss or fern) under the tents is forbidden,
c. Camping outside camping areas is allowed only under following conditions:
- for reasearch activities, on ABVNP approval,
- for volunteers working in BVNP with approval from the administration, if their tasks require so.
d. In camping areas there can be a tax required by the land administrators or their partners/ mandated, if they provide minimum camping facilities. The tax must be made known to the ABVNP and will be made public in the vicinity of the camping area by the ones collecting it.
e. Camping in bivouac is allowed over night in emergency cases, without lighting fire.

Art. 41. Making a fire on BVNP territory must comply with the following:
a. fire is allowed only in especially made fireplaces in the camping area, with the firewood provided by the administrators of the camping area, in compliance with fire prevention and extinquishing regulations;
b. deforestation of wood vegetation for making the fire is strictly forbidden.
c. it is forbidden to light up a fire in the alpine level and in the forestry fund, except the camping areas. In the camping areas on the alpine fields or in other areas where there is no firewood provided by the administrators of the area, only the use of a primus is allowed.

Art. 42. Waste management rules on the territory of BVNP:
a. it is forbiden to deposit any kind of waste on the territory of BVNP. Tourists must take out and dispose of rubbish that they produce during their visit in the Park. Rubbish will be taken outside the park and deposited only in waste cans or waste collecting spaces;
b. the administrators of the chalets and camping areas under the camping tax are responsible for temporarily depositing waste under legal conditions, so that there isn’t any possibility for dogs or wild animals to get to it. The temporary waste deposit spaces are at: Forestry Cabin between Rivers, Forestry Cabin Prislop, Pătrunsa Hermitage, Pahomie Hermitage and Cheia Chalet;
c. the removal of domestic waste coming from the activity in chalets and on camping areas is the responsibility of their administrators;
d. ABVNP must establish a waste removal plan together with the owners/administrators for each waste collecting space in the park.

Art. 43. It is forbidden to cut, set fire to, destroy or harm in any way the juniper trees.

Art. 44. It is forbidden to cut, break or pull out the root of trees, saplings or sprouts, or take away the ones broken by other persons or torn by natural phenomenons.

Art. 45. It is forbidden to destroy, harm or collect for commercial use, with no approval from the BVNP Administration, the mushrooms, plants, medicine plants, animals, rocks and any other samples of natural origin from the BVNP.

Art. 46. Collecting flora and fauna species of natural origin can be done only with written approval from the administration of BVNP.

Art. 47. The access of dogs in the BVNP is allowed only if they are permanently on a leash and if an entrance tax was paid for them, meaning 50% of the visiting ticket fee. The owner must present the documents proving all vaccinations for each dog. Mountain Rescue groups and guard patrols can use utility dogs in their actions.

Art. 48. Quiet disturbance in the park under any ways (shouting clapping, audio-equipment etc.) on trails, in camping areas or around the chalets is strictly forbidden.

Art. 49. It is strictly forbidden to destroy or damage information or indicative panels, boards, holder posts or marking signs on the tourist trails, signs delimiting the park.

Art. 50. It is strictly forbidden to damage huts, moutain shelters, bridges or any other constructions or arrangements on the territory of the park.

Art. 51. It is forbidden to displace rocks and throw them off cliffs.

Art. 52. The use of detergents to wash in the flowing waters is forbidden.

Art. 53. ABVNP monitors tourism on the territory of BVNP, in order to establish the impact of this activity on flora and fauna in the park and to establish the protective measures to be taken, including those of restriction of the access of tourists, should that be necessary for conservation.

Art. 54. The access with means of transportation with motors based on fossil fuel, in order to practice sports outside the roads of public access is forbidden.

Page made by Kogayon Association from
Environmental Administration Found project

Page translated by Daniela Sargu & Alan Kerslake