
Sus?ine?i P.N. Buila-Vânturari?a prin direc?ionarea a 2% din impozitului pe venit datorat statului c?tre ASOCIA?IA KOGAYON, partener la administrarea parcului, în conformitate cu Legea 571/2003:


C.I.F. : 16132059

IBAN : RO51 RNCB 0265 0061 3421 0001


7 Rue Pietei, Horezu, département Valcea

Tél.:0040 250/860.157
Fax: 0040 250/860.180

Public perception of environment in the mountains of Valcea County


The Vâlcea Carpathians are of great value given their scenic attractions combined with speci?c glacial relief features in the Parâng and rare plant and animal species of Cozia. Complemented by a diverse cultural landscape, with monasteries, vernacular buildings and pastoral traditions, the area offers a uniquely attractive backdrop for a cluster of spa resorts of international standing which make Vˆ lcea one of Romania’s leading tourist regions. Environmental protection is very necessary to regulate private enterprise in the post-communist era, but ?nancial resources and institutions are insuf?cient at the present time. The paper demonstrates how highly-motivated individuals can play a signi?cant role in advocating a more sustainable future through their own capacities to carry out research and develop personal networks enabling them to extend their in?uence with the public at large and also with academic and administrative hierarchies. The Romanian author of this paper is one of a number of environmental activists in Vâlcea county who able to promote environmental issues in the absence of effective NGOs.

Page réalisée par l’Association Kogayon. Projet financé par l’Administration du Fond pour
l’Environnement en partenariat avec RNP Romsilva.